
Do you have a complaint about this? LXRY SHINE ? Please contact us. LXRY SHINE does everything it can to provide the best possible service. You can have a complaint about a product or about our services. We will work with you to find a suitable solution to your complaint.

You can make your complaint known via our complaints form, by telephone or by e-mail. You will receive a substantive response within three working days; you will not receive confirmation of receipt of your complaint. For a speedy handling, we ask that you complete the complaint form as detailed as possible. For complaints regarding the return of items, you can also consult our returns information page.
It is of course annoying if you have a complaint about our products and/or services. We would like to help you further and offer you a desired solution. You can email to:
General complaints
T: +31 6 87182798
Our employees from the complaints department will review the complaint
and try to resolve the complaint to everyone's satisfaction.

After receiving your complaint, you will receive a confirmation from us.
We will respond to your complaint within 14 days of receipt, if it requires more time, we will inform you.

If you do not appreciate this, you can always contact the mediation department of the Webshop Keurmerk Foundation, of which we are affiliated. They will then mediate

Independent complaints mediation

If you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint, you can also submit it to the disputes committee of the Webshop Keurmerk Foundation.
From February 15, 2016, it is also possible for consumers in the EU to register complaints via the ODR platform of the European Commission. This ODR platform can be found at ( ). If the complaint is not yet being processed elsewhere, you are free to file the complaint via the European Union platform.


How do our LXRY SHINE products work? Read our instructions and watch our instructional videos.

You can always contact us for advice, questions or help with ensuring your watch and jewelry are scratch-free. We are happy to help you through our support!

  • LXRY SHINE collection

    The LXRY SHINE collection consists of various main products that make your watches and jewelry look like new again and help you with maintenance and cleaning.

  • LXRY SHINE products

    The LXRY SHINE Micro Polish makes your watches and jewelry scratch-free and makes them look like new again!

    With the LXRY SHINE Spray for watches and jewelry you can maintain them and clean them with the right products.

  • Maintenance with LXRY SHINE

    Depending on the intensity of use and handling of the watch or jewelry, we recommend using the LXRY SHINE Micro Polish twice a year.

    There is no limit for use on the LXRY SHINE Spray.

Collapsible content

Step 1. Clean the surface thoroughly before use

Make sure the surface of the luxury watch is thoroughly clean before beginning the polishing process. Remove dust, dirt and any other particles to create a smooth base for polishing.

Step 2. Apply the LXRY SHINE Micro Polish to the microfiber cloth

Take a small amount of the LXRY SHINE Micro Polish and apply it to a soft microfiber cloth. Make sure the polish is evenly distributed over the cloth.

Step 3. Apply a brushing motion until the product darkens

Using light pressure, rub the polish-soaked microfiber cloth over the watch surface in circular or brushing motions. Keep going until the product darkens, indicating that the polish is doing its job to remove scratches and polish the surface.

Step 4. Polish with a clean microfiber cloth

Take a clean microfiber cloth and buff the watch surface to remove excess polish and achieve a glossy finish. Make sure any remaining polish is carefully wiped away.

Step 5: Complete with the LXRY SHINE Spray

Use the LXRY SHINE Jewelry and Watch Sprays to finalize the process. Spray a small amount onto the watch surface and wipe gently with a clean cloth. This will help maintain the shine and protect the watch.

Rolex maintenance; Polishing (removing scratches) and cleaning

Cartier Ring maintenance; Polishing (removing scratches) and cleaning